Friday, December 12, 2008

Challenge 9

1. Identify the instrument

2. SunTrust Bank in Atlanta ,holds a very important piece of document in its main vault, which is now an integral part of global economy. What is it?

3. King David, Charlemagne ,Julius Caesar ,Alexander the Great . Identify the link. [Don't tell me that they all were great emperors :) ]

4. Identify the Logo

5. Which rockband derived its name from the letters inscribed on the back of a sewing machine?


Charchit said...

4 = wikipedia

vish said...

2. the original copy of the formula of Coca Cola :D
3.the king of four diff suits of cards are based on these four individuals..
4. wikipedia
5. AC/DC

MR said...

1. Smoking Pipe???
2. Coca Cola formula
3. Kings in a card deck
4. Wikipedia
5. AC/DC

Unknown said...
