Monday, May 18, 2009

Challenge 12


1. "Absolutely sorry to trouble you chaps" were the last words of which legendary fiction writer?

2. Adi and Rudi,two German brothers, parted ways in 1947 to start their own businesses .
What was the outcome?

3. Wolf, Ice, Storm,Growing,Hare.Mead, Hay,Corn, Harvest,Hunter's, Snow,Winter.
Which astronomical phenomenon would you associate these terms with?

4. "Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow." Name this principle.

5. Who was the inspiration behind the skintight costumes of modern superheroes?


Ankit said...

Adi formed Adidas
Rudi formed Ruda now better known as Puma

Ankit said...

3. Full Moon

Ankit said...

4. The Dilberts Principle

Charchit said...

1. H.G. Wells .... ?
2. Soccer shoes ...
4. meteor shower

Isse jyaada tukke nahin maar sakta .. though in 2nd question im a bit confident

Charchit said...

4 = 3

Charchit said...

still waiting for the answers....